In Calling

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In Calling

In Calling

Theres a peace In life we all cling to.

It's a level of "im good here", a level of "safety", or an ultimate goal and dream one has for self and those loved.


Theres a deeper piece in all of us, though, that yearns for the changing time.

That big shift in life that takes us miles from where we've always known. It's a feeling not unlike a calling to greater things, "bigger places".


This spews the inner war.


How do you fight the dialogue of comfort from within its bounds? Reaching sometimes only in imagination for the "higher" ways of what "Could" be?

How do we defeat the inner democracy that pleas for safety and security without work in danger and Unknown places?


There comes a time In a man's life hes face with a question. A question of his loyalty to his ultimate cause and purpose. What is he willing to forsake? What will he sacrifice? Will his efforts be in justice or disarray? Will he give and take what is required, to fund the course to his dreams? Will his efforts be within Gods graces? Or does he intend to work, and fight, alone?


I put my heart around my family, and set it on our goals. I perfectly as possible declared the title's "Purpose", "Mission", "Cause", and swept us away together.


The tidal wave of emotion, the cycling winds of give and recieve, the weathered labor to reap reward, the hardship, for the success... the sacrifice, for love, for purpose, for faith.


My spouse beside me in it all.

My God working mirracles.

Our plans have changed from one mighty effort to the next in such an unexpected "calling" of our name.


We've begun the walk in leave of Babylon,

And we heed the call to Zion.


In my family the end of game was predicated on the so called events that would unfold, as they have been told to us.

I've learned by my own hand, that the hand of God is far superior to the Bullet I load in my Chamber, even to the moment you'd think to need the bullet more than anything else.


I founded my early life on preparedness, survival, scholarly education and all sorts of fields to that nature. Whatever I could learn, I feel I clined to do so.

And my life gave me knowledge to teach survival, protection, defenses, patriotism.


What I've come to learn of God's hand in it all, I learned from those avenues.


That being said, theres a complexity in this, I wont delve into.

What i do want to convey, however, is this..


There is no quake, no war, no disaster, no society, no element, greater or more capable than the hand of God.


And if you understand this..


What more, could possibly be more important?


Go Swiftly, and Go With God.


...Wherever You Go.

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