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Danielle's Journey Into Lulu's Garden

I grew up in a family that used herbs when we were not feeling well.

My parents had the desire to learn and teach us how to care for ourselves outside of the medical health system as much as possible.

As I got older I continued using herbs because I knew they worked and I loved the freedom of being able to care for myself and my family. I was taught to use basic herbs such as echinacea, goldenseal, etc. After having my own kids and watching them struggle with health issues themselves, as well as others around me deal with health issues, I felt a strong desire to learn more about herbs in depth and to help others be able to take control of their own health.

With this strong desire, I decided to go back to school and begin working on my Master's Degree in Herbology. 

I got certified in Herbology through The College of Health Care Sciences in 2019. Since then, I have taken several other herbal courses and continue to work on my herbal education.

I will never stop learning as there is so much to learn.

My mother, Renee Mysliwiec and I, began teaching herbal classes together, as well as creating our own herbal products for ourselves and others. This has been such an amazing journey together as we continue to learn separately as well as together. We both have such a strong desire to help others to take control of their own health!

 Throughout my journey, my brother Jamon Mysliwiec and his wife Rianna, were also on a journey of their own with very much the same purpose as mine, to help others take back control of their health.

We all have known for a long time that we would be working with each other in some way, and our purposes have all aligned perfectly. Because of this, we all decided to join forces to help people in more than one way!

I joined Lulu’s Garden in 2022 with the purpose of helping others learn more about herbs and how to use them in their lives to help not only their own health but also the health of their families and communities. 

My desire is to see people confident in their knowledge and ability to care for their own health, taking back control that we have given away to others.

There are so many in our world today, that are suffering needlessly, because they are unable to get the care they need through the healthcare system.

I will forever be grateful for the wonderful technology we have today and the advances we have made in health care, but even with these advances, people are still left with health issues.

Many of these health issues stem from our diets.

I want to see people eating from their own yards growing in health and strength, while also learning about the wonderful plants God has blessed us with to care for every ailment that might come our way.

More and more people are turning to alternative means to care for their health, while many are lost and unsure of where to turn.

I know that as more people become open to learning about herbs and how they can benefit their lives, we will begin to see people coming into their own strength and purpose. 

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